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How to claim PIP

We explain how to claim PIP (Personal Independence Payment) and what information you will need to start your PIP claim with a mental health condition.

The PIP claim Process

There are three stages to claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP):

  1. Start your PIP application by filling in a PIP1 form. You can do this either by:
    a: Telephone: You will answer the questions over the phone with a DWP advisor
    b: Post: You will need to fill in a paper form and post it back to the DWP.

  2. If you meet the necessary eligibility conditions the DWP will send you a PIP claim form within two weeks:
    a: Use this to explain how you meet the criteria for PIP because of your mental health.
    b: You will have four weeks to complete this form and send it back to the DWP.

  3. Face-to-face assessment
    a: Most people must go for a face-to-face interview where you will be assessed based on the answers you gave on the ‘How your disability affects you’ form.

Applying for PIP by telephone

It’s best to start your claim by phone because your PIP payments will usually start from the time you first make your claim - either the date that you phone or the date the DWP receives your PIP1 form.

The telephone call will last about 20 minutes. If you would prefer someone else to call for you because of your mental health that’s fine, but you need to be with them so you can permit for them to speak on your behalf.

The DWP advisor will ask if you have any conditions relating to your mental health, a learning difficulty or behavioural condition so that you can get any additional help or support with your claim.

Information you will need when applying for PIP by phone:

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • Address and postcode
  • Date of birth
  • National insurance number
  • Nationality
  • Bank details
  • Primary health care professional’s contact details - either your GP or your care coordinator
  • the details of any stay in hospital or residential care
  • the details for any trips abroad for more than four weeks at a time in the last three years.
  • Basic details of any physical or mental health condition you have 

Tip for mental health condition

You don’t need to go into lots of detail here, but it is important to tell the claim advisor about any mental health condition you have. This can help them make a note of any extra support you might need during the claim process.

You will be asked to provide more information about your mental health when you complete the PIP2 “How your disability affects you” claim form.


PIP claim line

Telephone: 0800 917 2222

Textphone: 0800 917 7777

Open times: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm

Cost: Calls are free from landlines and mobiles.

Applying for PIP by post

The DWP will only give you a paper claim form if you cannot complete the claim on the phone. If you cannot claim by phone, you can apply for PIP by post instead.

To get a form you will have to write to the address below to ask for a paper form, explaining why you cannot use a phone.

PIP claim address

Personal Independence Payment New Claims,
Post Handling Site B,
WV99 1AH.

Can someone else claim PIP for me if I have a mental health condition?

An appointee can claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for you if you are too unwell to claim it yourself. An appointee is usually a friend or family member but can also be a group of people such as a housing association.

If you prefer, someone can support you to make a claim yourself by helping you with the forms and phone calls.

Claiming PIP on behalf of an Adult

You can start the PIP claim process over the phone on behalf of an adult with a mental health condition if they are there with you to permit you.

Claiming PIP on behalf of a child

You can start a PIP claim for your child if they are claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA), they have just turned 16 years old, and they do not have the mental capacity to manage their own money.

When you call the DWP, you will need to explain that you would like to become your child’s appointee.

The DWP will invite you to a meeting between yourself, your child and the DWP to:

  • assess whether your child needs an appointee
  • check your suitability as an appointee
  • complete the BF56 application to become an appointee.

Once you receive the BF57 confirmation letter, you will be able to claim PIP on behalf of your child as their appointee.

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