Incapacity Benefit
Incapacity Benefit used to be a benefit which could be claimed if you were too unwell to work. You cannot make a new claim for Incapacity Benefit anymore as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) replaced it from the 31st of January 2011. However, some people still receive Incapacity Benefit. In 2011, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) started to reassess everyone who receives Incapacity Benefit using the Employment and Support Allowance rules.
In 2011, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) started to reassess everyone who receives Incapacity Benefit using the Employment and Support Allowance rules.
Has Incapacity Benefit been replaced by ESA?
In 2011, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) started to reassess everyone who gets Incapacity Benefit using Employment and Support Allowance rules.
If you were unable to work before the 31st of January 2011 then you could still be receiving Incapacity Benefit.
If I am an existing Incapacity Benefit claimant, how much should I be receiving?
From April 2023, all remaining Incapacity Benefit claimants will receive a long-term basic rate of £130.20 plus a relevant age addition:
- If your Incapacity Benefit started when you were under 35 you will be awarded £13.80,
- If your Incapacity Benefit started when you were aged between 35-44 then you will be awarded £7.65.
If I am still receiving Incapacity Benefit, when will I be transferred over to Employment and Support Allowance?
Provided that you continue to meet the eligibility criteria for Incapacity Benefit you will still receive this until you are transferred over to Employment and Support Allowance.
We can’t say exactly when the DWP will reassess you for Employment and Support Allowance if you are still getting Incapacity Benefit, but Jobcentre Plus will inform you when your benefit is going to be reviewed and you do not need to do anything before, they contact you.
JobCentre Plus Helpline
0345 608 8545