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Will I have to pay if Section 117 applies to me?

  1. What is social care and will I be charged?
  2. What is a personal budget?
  3. Will I have to pay if Section 117 applies to me?
  4. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  5. Can I complain about the charges?
  6. Direct Payments
If you are on section 117, you may get free aftercare services.

You may be on a section 117 if you have been discharged from certain sections of the Mental Health Act 1983. If you are on section 117, you may get free aftercare services. The local authority or clinical commissioning group where you are an ordinary resident will be responsible for your aftercare. If you did not have ordinary residence before you went into hospital, the local authority where the hospital is will be responsible.

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Within this subject

  1. What is social care and will I be charged?
  2. What is a personal budget?
  3. Will I have to pay if Section 117 applies to me?
  4. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  5. Can I complain about the charges?
  6. Direct Payments

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