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When will my SDS payments end?

  1. What is social care?
  2. When can the local authority charge me for non-residential services?
  3. What is a financial assessment?
  4. Self-Directed Support
  5. Will I have to pay for compulsory treatment services?
  6. I’m a carer; will the local authority charge me?
  7. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  8. How can I deal with problems about charges?
  9. Can I get a Direct Payment or SDS payment?
  10. How will the local authority pay me?
  11. What can I spend SDS payment on?
  12. What are my responsbilities?
  13. When will my SDS payments end?
  14. I'm a carer; can I get SDS payments?
  15. Next steps

The local authority should only end your Self Directed Support (SDS) payments as a last resort – your SDS payments may end because:

  • You want them to end,
  • You cannot manage them anymore, even with support,
  • You don’t need care and support any more, or
  • You did not follow the conditions.

They can stop your payments temporarily if your condition improves for a short time.

If your SDS payments stop, your local authority should try to make sure there is no delay in getting you services to meet your needs.

If your SDS payments stop, your local authority should try to make sure there is no delay in getting you services to meet your needs.

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Within this subject

  1. What is social care?
  2. When can the local authority charge me for non-residential services?
  3. What is a financial assessment?
  4. Self-Directed Support
  5. Will I have to pay for compulsory treatment services?
  6. I’m a carer; will the local authority charge me?
  7. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  8. How can I deal with problems about charges?
  9. Can I get a Direct Payment or SDS payment?
  10. How will the local authority pay me?
  11. What can I spend SDS payment on?
  12. What are my responsbilities?
  13. When will my SDS payments end?
  14. I'm a carer; can I get SDS payments?
  15. Next steps

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