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What is the most I will have to pay?

  1. What is residential care?
  2. Will I have to pay for residential care?
  3. What is capital and how will the local authority assess this?
  4. What is the most I will have to pay?
  5. What are top-up fees?
  6. What are Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA)?
  7. Free care for people who have a mental illness
  8. Free personal care for people over 65
  9. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  10. How can I deal with problems about charges?
  11. Next steps

If you have to pay towards the cost of your residential accommodation, your income should not fall below the ‘personal expenses allowance’ (PEA), which is currently £25.80 a week.

In some cases, you may be left with more than the PEA, if you have children to care for or you have to pay for the upkeep of a property that has been disregarded, for example.

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Within this subject

  1. What is residential care?
  2. Will I have to pay for residential care?
  3. What is capital and how will the local authority assess this?
  4. What is the most I will have to pay?
  5. What are top-up fees?
  6. What are Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA)?
  7. Free care for people who have a mental illness
  8. Free personal care for people over 65
  9. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  10. How can I deal with problems about charges?
  11. Next steps

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