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Free personal care for people over 65

  1. What is residential care?
  2. Will I have to pay for residential care?
  3. What is capital and how will the local authority assess this?
  4. What is the most I will have to pay?
  5. What are top-up fees?
  6. What are Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA)?
  7. Free care for people who have a mental illness
  8. Free personal care for people over 65
  9. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  10. How can I deal with problems about charges?
  11. Next steps

 Free personal care for over 65s in Scotland

People over 65 in Scotland are entitled to free personal care, which means that local authorities can only charge for some of the care they assess older people as needing.  

Local authorities should take care to split the care package into personal and non-personal care elements for charging purposes.

Non-chargeable personal care elements include support such as:

  • Assistance with personal hygiene,
  • Eating and drinking,
  • Help with immobility problems,
  • Management of medication, or
  • Personal safety.

The following services are not considered to be personal care, so are subject to a charge:

  • Housework 
  • Laundry

Older people in residential or nursing homes will receive contributions from the local authority towards the costs of personal care. This contributes to the cost of the care – those contributions are currently £171 a week for social care and £78 a week for nursing care.

Older people in residential or nursing homes will receive contributions from the local authority towards the costs of personal care.

Local authorities will continue to provide up to four weeks’ free care at home following discharge from hospital.

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Within this subject

  1. What is residential care?
  2. Will I have to pay for residential care?
  3. What is capital and how will the local authority assess this?
  4. What is the most I will have to pay?
  5. What are top-up fees?
  6. What are Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA)?
  7. Free care for people who have a mental illness
  8. Free personal care for people over 65
  9. What if I cannot afford the charges?
  10. How can I deal with problems about charges?
  11. Next steps

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