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Requesting evidence to challenge a PIP decision letter template

This letter template can be used to request evidence from medical professionals when you’re challenging a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) decision. Download today.

You can use this letter to ask a health care professional for evidence to challenge a PIP decision. You can use the same letter whether you are submitting a Mandatory Reconsideration or an Appeal.

It’s important to understand that not all healthcare professionals are able or willing to write supporting letters, and they are not obliged to do so, but it is worth asking them and stressing how it could help your challenge – they can charge a fee for writing this letter/report.

Before filling in this document, we advise you to read the following articles about challenging a PIP decision:

Follow these simple instructions to request evidence when challenging a PIP decision:

  1. Download the template.
  2. Where you see something written in red, it means you need to add or change something so that the letter is accurate for you.
  3. Email or print your letter and send to the healthcare or medical professional.
  4. Once you have received the evidence send this to the DfC.

Requesting PIP medical evidence by post

It can take a long time from when you request medical evidence to you receiving it. Therefore, we recommend that you ask for it as soon as you can.

Requesting your medical evidence is sent to you before the DfC

When requesting medical evidence, make sure the person/s you are asking to provide the letter send it to you rather than directly to the DfC – this way you can check that you’re happy with the content and that it is an accurate reflection of your condition and abilities.


Don’t delay your PIP challenge. Always send the PIP form back to the DfC and include a letter explaining that more information will follow.

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